Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy is designed to transform your entire organization. We work directly with your managers to clarify and expand their vision for the organization while they improve themselves and use what they learn to develop their teams.
Interested in hosting an Academy? Scroll to the bottom of the page to fill out an inquiry form.
Lifelong Leadership Tools
The academy will shift the thinking habits of your leaders and give them tools they can use for the rest of their lives. By the end of the academy, they will be able to assess their own productivity and effectiveness and continue to learn independently, so their improvement will be ongoing.
Each of the 1-day classes starts with a group discussion and individual written exercises about what your managers learned and experienced in the four weeks since the previous module. Then, the day’s topic is presented along with interactive exercises. Before they leave for the day, your managers are given reading and activity assignments to help them reinforce and apply what they learned. After the 6-month academy is complete, they will continue to receive ongoing emails from Joe Serio for the next six months for further motivation and reinforcement.

6 Leadership Modules
The 6 modules of the academy cover various aspects of leadership and ensure your managers are putting everything they’re learning into practice along the way. All of the modules are interconnected, providing constant repetition, reinforcement, and application.
Fear and resistance are the most powerful influences in one’s life. They play a major role in self-awareness and self-perception, decision making, quality of relationships, performance at work, and a lot more.
This module explores fear and resistance as they impact thoughts, beliefs, actions, and consequences, among other things, and illustrates how fear is a decisive factor in shaping one’s leadership style. Sections include: the roots of fear; identifying and reducing fear; understanding fear and productivity; and a seven-step success plan for managing fear.
Accompanying book:
Overcoming Fear: 50 Lessons on Being Bold and Living the Dream -
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and in others, and to use this awareness to manage behavior and relationships. EI plays a central role in all aspects of leadership.
A variety of topics will be discussed, including the four pillars of EI, the five components of EI, basic parts and functions of the brain and their role in determining our emotional responses; strategies for effectively controlling those emotional responses; and identifying and improving low emotional intelligence.
Accompanying book:
Emotional Intelligence: 50 Lessons on Knowing Who You're Dealing With -
Fear and low emotional intelligence show themselves frequently in procrastination, perfectionism. absenteeism, lateness, failure to complete paperwork in a timely manner, and countless other ways. This contributes significantly to levels of stress that you feel.
This module dives into issues of time management and the stress you experience. Discussion includes how to create a system for managing time under any circumstances, how to address procrastination, uncover the myth of multitasking, how to set goals and stay on course, and how to handle interruptions. It also covers the physiology and neuroscience of stress, nutrition, health, exercise, diet, and sleep, and presents strategies for reducing stress in order to develop more effective leadership.
Accompanying books:
Time Management: 50 Lessons on Finding Time for What’s ImportantBeing Resilient: 50 Lessons on Leaving Chronic Stress Behind
Vision is critical in determining where you want to go, but without the how and why in place, it won’t matter what your vision is. You’re not likely to get there. Lack of clear guiding principles and expressed values integrated into every aspect of organizational life leave personnel spinning their wheels believing that nothing can change.
This module highlights the fundamentals of organizational culture and basic elements that need to be present for outrageous success. Examples are given from organizations that have realized results they never thought possible. this module includes considerable discussion among participants. Ideas on handling the most difficult leadership issues are discussed.
Managing conflict is a core function of supervisors. It is not an exaggeration to say that everything depends on it. Poor conflict management impacts attitudes, morale, overtime, sick leave, stress levels, and virtually every other aspect of work and home life.
This session will help participants identify key triggers or conflict hot buttons and cooling strategiesl assess an interpersonal conflict from various perspectives; and recognize specific destructive behaviors that are ineffective for conflict engagement.
Leadership is an opportunity to grow as an individual and help improve the team. This module will identify five leadership traits. Our discussion will revolve how to demonstrate and strengthen those traits.
We will explore a leader’s responsibility in keeping it simple, prioritizing, delegating, empowering, and innovating. Last and most importantly is taking care of your team. In this dynamic world, it is imperative to your team’s success that you are aware of and attentive to the mental and physical well-being of your team members. At the conclusion of this module, we will share and discuss examples of how to do so while maintaining balance in one’s own life.

Find an Upcoming Leadership Academy Course!
Below are Leadership Academies that have been scheduled by other groups. Some of them apply to specific audiences only, but others are open to the public and have open seats. Click each to learn more and register.
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