A man standing behind a table with books displayed on it at a 9-1-1 training academy event. The table has a blue tablecloth with 'The 360 Dispatcher' logo. The background features banners promoting wellness, leadership transformation, and books by Joe Serio.

Coming in 2025!

Cover of the book titled 'Dispatch Culture' by Erin Hastings and Joe Serio, featuring a medical theme with an electrocardiogram line and a dispatch scene in the background.

Dispatch Culture: 50 Lessons on Inspiring Excellence

Erin Hastings, ENP
Joe Serio, Ph.D.

Dispatch Trainer: 50 Lessons on Being a Great Teacher

Halcyon Frank, ENP
Joe Serio, Ph.D.

Book cover titled "Dispatch Trainer" by Halcyon Frank and Joe Serio, featuring a silhouette of a person and an ECG line.

Wholesale Purchases

For order of more than 15 books, please email amy@joeserio.com for details.